Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi - TV Tropes (2025)

Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi - TV Tropes (1)

"You caught me."

"Why can someone as boring as him always make me so happy?"

Wei Wuxian, about Lan Wangji long before he realizes the answer to the question.

Nothing says "Will They or Won't They?", "Uptight Loves Wild", and "Sickeningly Sweethearts" like Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's romance.

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  • The standard Opposites Attract formula fails to cover their entire relationship.
  • Because Lan Wangji is so stoic, it's always hard to tell when he becomes jealous. But he gets jealous a lot, to the point that Wei Wuxian teasingly asks how much vinegar he's drunk as "to eat vinegar" is a Chinese slang for feeling jealous.
  • In olden Chinese times, brides often rode donkeys when meeting their husbands. Wei Wuxian frequently rides on Little Apple while escorted by Lan Wangji, including when he's first brought back to the Cloud Recesses post-ressurection.
  • One of Lan Wangji's Animal Motifs in the story are rabbits, and they represent the Chinese god of homosexuality.
  • Lan Wangji plays the role of doting husband very well, such as ordering all spicy foods despite himself not tolerating the stuff, paying for everything from makeup to wine to kids toys, and fending off dogs. And this is all before they even get together and before Lan Wangji finds out that Wei Wuxian doesn't remember the events of the Nightless City siege.
  • Most of the juniors come off as a Shipper on Deck when they notice the romance between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian blossoming, as they either bring it up to Wei Wuxian or leave the two alone if they feel like they're intruding on a moment.
  • Although the donghua tones down the romance due to censorship, it still does an impressive job of portraying the protagonists' relationship and hinting at them being a couple without being explicit about it in both the series itself and the promotion material:
    • Lan Wangji is a little more expressive than in the novel, and majority of these times involves Wei Wuxian. Notably, in Season 3 he is more prone to smiling at Wei Wuxian.
    • The amount of casual physical touching skyrockets in Season 3, since at this point Wei Wuxian no longer has to hide his identity from Lan Wangji and can be comfortable around him. This is often done via Holding Hands or other casual touches of the hand, even when it could had been completely avoided.
    • Lan Wangji accompanies Wei Wuxian post-resurrection more often, including doing joint Empathy on both A-Qing and Nie Mingjue with him and becoming more of a Battle Couple than they were in the novel. This reinforces the donghua's theme for the protagonists that Wei Wuxian is no longer alone and can rely on Lan Wangji to help tackle his burdens.
    • A lot of the songs for the donghua adaptation hint at the feelings the two have for each other. The Season 3 ending song is perhaps the most romantic of them all, and The Founder of Diabolism Q/ Mo Dao Zu Shi Q ending song even explicitly states the singer has feelings for the person the song is targeted at.
    • The official Weibo account usually avoids posting Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji content on romantic days. However, it made exceptions in the final year of airing:
      • On May 20th (aka 520 Day which is similar to Valentine's Day in Chinanote) in 2021 the account uploaded a Season 3 trailerGrandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi - TV Tropes (2) which was chock-full of Ship Tease with the duo, all to a very gentle soundtrack playing in the background.
      • On the day of the Qixi Festival (14th August), which is considered a romantic holiday, the staff released both a picture of the protagonists together (a first for them) and a short WangXian-focused music video of the Season 3 ending song, the most romantically-charged out fo the main donghua songs.
    • Donghua greeting card videos of the main and supporting characters were released to celebrate the donghua's third anniversary. In Wei Wuxian's, he says that after all these years he still loves lotus root and pork rib soup, Emperor's Smile, spicy food, and Hanguang Jun. Make of that what you will.
    • Two Zhenguoli advertisements by the donghua features the protagonists spending time together, with Wei Wuxian affectionately referring t Lan Wangji as "Lan-er-gege" (something he doesn't get to do in the present timeline of the donghua adaptation). One advertisement in particular has Wei Wuxian finding the old picture he drew of Lan Wangji in the latter's book and teasing him for liking the drawing so much, only for the embarrassed Lan Wangji to cut him off by offering him the yoghurt drink while his earlobe turns pink. Notable is that Wei Wuxian's interrupted mid-sentence so his dialogue comes out as, "You must really like me—"
  • A short clip unique to the Japanese dub of the audio drama was released on Qixi in 2021 and has Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji celebrating Tanabata. As the former comments on the story behind the holiday, Lan Wangji softly says that he's been waiting for 13 years.

Pre-Time Skip

Studying in the Cloud Recesses

  • In the donghua Wei Wuxian is the only one who has the guts to sit right next to Lan Wangji when everyone else avoided sitting in front or behind him.
  • For his punishment, Wei Wuxian is made to write the Lan Clan rules with Lan Wangji supervising him. Despite the latter's aloof responses, Wei Wuxian doesn't shy away from befriending him and even teasing him.
    • Wei Wuxian does everything he can to invade Lan Wangji's personal space, even sitting on his sleeve. Recall that the derogatory term for homosexual men in Ancient China was "cut sleeve", based on the story that Emperor Ai cut off his sleeve to avoid waking up his sleeping male lover when getting out of bed.
    • Wei Wuxian refers to Lan Wangji informally and starts rattling off a list of nicknames to call him, before deciding on "Lan-er-gege". Although this literally translates to "Second Older Brother Lan", here it's used with chummy and almost flirtatious connotations.
    • Wei Wuxian's painting of Lan Wangji actually evokes a response from the other, and in the donghua Lan Wangji even gasps for a moment when he sees the painting (albeit because he noticed there was a flower added to his hair).
    • After switching Lan Wangji's poem book with one filled with porn, Wei Wuxian can't help but tease the other and gloats about how he got the other to yell at him. Unbeknownst to Wei Wuxian, this moment ends up sticking to Lan Wangji for years to come.
  • Lan Xichen invites Wei Wuxian and a few other cultivators to help them investigate the water ghouls. When Lan Wangji asks his brother why he invited the others, Lan Xichen cheerfully says he knows his brother is fond of Wei Wuxian and secretly wanted him to come along. In the donghua Lan Wangji's eyes glance behind him to see Wei Wuxian rowing a boat and angrily denies this claim. Given how Lan Xichen canonically can read his brother's emotions really well, it says a lot about what Lan Wangji is not willing to admit to himself.
  • Afterwards when a girl gives Wei Wuxian a basket of loquats as thanks, Wei Wuxian then asks the girl and her friend if they thought Lan Wangji was handsome and to give him loquats as well so he wouldn't get jealous. As Lan Wangji turns away Lan Xichen offers to buy his brother a basket of loquats if he really wanted it. Lan Wangji refuses.
  • Wei Wuxian enters the Cold Spring with Lan Wangji while recovering from his discipline injuries — keep in mind they're both pretty much naked save for their undergarments. Every time Wei Wuxian tries to get physically close to Lan Wangji, he immediately moves away. Bummed that Lan Wangji isn't reacting to him, Wei Wuxian leaves the cold spring and takes Lan Wangji's robes. He prepares to walk away before teasingly commenting on Lan Wangji's figure, which causes Lan Wangji to turn away as his ears begin to visibly flush.
  • In some adaptations, the rabbits that Wei Wuxian gifts to Lan Wangji have contrasting colors, as if to mimic him and Lan Wangji. In the novel itself, an extra reveals the rabbits have the personalities of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.
  • As Wei Wuxian is punished to sit outside and wait for Jiang Fengmian, Lan Wangji sees him from behind and actually gets a little worried that Wei Wuxian is crying. So when he goes over to comfort him, Wei Wuxian shows he was only laughing and holds up a stick with ants on it. Lan Wangji sighs in irritation and marches off.

The Discussion Conference

  • Pulling the string on one's bow isn't actually good for the weapon's condition. Lan Wangji doing this to his bow prior to the archery competition thus hints that he was doing it to catch Wei Wuxian's attention, since the latter was being affectionate to one of his martial brothers.
  • Despite not having seen him for a year, Wei Wuxian is quick to approach Lan Wangji and pester him non-stop despite Jiang Cheng's disapproval. At one point he tricks Lan Wangji into thinking his forehead ribbon is crooked, much to his amusement (and the latter's annoyance).
  • Wei Wuxian pull off Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon to fix it — unbeknownst to him at the time, touching one's forehead ribbon in the Lan Clan is only allowed by the wearer's family members or spouse. Lan Wangji is so overwhelmed by this that his anger actually frightens Wei Wuxian for once, and he pulls out of the competition. In the donghua, he gets so mad in that he actually shatters the bow in his hand and his glare is murderous enough to silence the usually jovial Wei Wuxian.

Xuanwu Cave

  • Wei Wuxian notices that Lan Wangji is limping and offers to give the other a piggyback ride. The latter coldly brushes him off, but Wei Wuxian still follows his movement until a Wen member pushes him to keep searching for the cave. In the manhua he does give Lan Wangji that piggy-back ride, to the others' chagrin.
  • Lan Wangji's jealousy gets shown when Wei Wuxian talks to Mianmian and calls himself "Yundao". Lan Wangji mutters "wordplay" as he turns away and walks off.
  • Even though Lan Wangji has the opportunity to escape with the others, when he realizes Wei Wuxian would stay behind he goes back and protects him. He does this at the cost of his leg getting chomped on and having to be rescued by the latter.
  • Trapped with Lan Wangji, Wei Wuxian tends to his leg wound, and uses his forehead ribbon to keep the splint together. While angered that he's touching something sacred, Lan Wangji begrudgingly lets him use his forehead ribbon.
  • As Wei Wuxian tears up his clothes so he can dry himself off and make bandages for Lan Wangji, Lan Wangji can visibly be seen glancing at Wei Wuxian's chest before averting his eyes.
  • Lan Wangji chides Wei Wuxian for getting himself hurt and Wei Wuxian brushes his brand mark off as a mark of chivalry that he'll always remember Mianmian by. Omitted from most adaptations but Lan Wangji then bites Wei Wuxian's arm out of jealousy.
  • After they defeat the turtle, Wei Wuxian is exhausted while burning with a fever and is made to rest. He nags Lan Wangji to give him a Lap Pillow, which the latter denies at first — however as Wei Wuxian dozes off, Lan Wangji does in fact end up giving him one. Wei Wuxian unconsciously picks up on it in his sleep but never finds out, as by the time he wakes up he's already been moved back to the ground.
  • After some failed attempts to strike up an interesting conversation while they wait to get rescued, Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to play him a song. Although it was an offhand request, Lan Wangji actually complies and hums a song (and even plays on an improvised guqin as an accompaniment in the donghua). As Wei Wuxian enjoys the song, he's unaware that it's a song Lan Wangji composed only for them to hear.

The Sunshot Campaign

  • In the donghua, nearly driven insane at the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian's life flashes before him with all of the people he held dear calling for him. While they all pass by pretty quickly, the only person who seems to stick out to him the most aside from Jiang Yanli is the memory of when he first met Lan Wangji and his voice calling his name. It's only after he recalls this memory does he manage to control the dark energy at the Burial Mounds.
  • In the donghua as Lan Qiren notifies Lan Wangji of what the Wens have been doing, when he mentions Wei Wuxian's name, Lan Wangji actually smiles a little.
  • In the donghua, Lan Wangji literally snaps after Wen Chao gloats that they threw Wei Wuxian in the Burial Mounds months ago; this is one of the few times Lan Wangji lost his temper, and it was because of Wei Wuxian. In a moment uncharacteristic of Lan Wangji, he wildly attacks Wen Chao not caring that he and the others are already beaten. His guqin strings have also mostly broken off at this point — in Ancient China, broken instrument strings was symbolic of being widowed.
  • As Wei Wuxian tortures Wen Chao, Lan Wangji is the only one who tries to stop him, but is blocked off from Wei Wuxian due to the resentful energy rising in front of him.
  • The heartbroken way Lan Wangji begs for Wei Wuxian to come back to Gusu with him and leaves when Jiang Cheng tells him the Lans shouldn't involve themselves in the Jiangs' affairs. This also becomes one of the few time he refers to him as Wei Wuxian, and not "Wei Ying".

The Phoenix Mountain Hunt

  • Before the hunt, there are maidens that toss out flowers to the cultivators, and Wei Wuxian ends up tossing one for Lan Wangji, to Jiang Cheng's annoyance. Lan Wangji catches it, but makes no further comment on it as he rides off with Lan Xichen.
  • Wei Wuxian approaches Lan Wangji and asks if he could borrow his forehead ribbon to use as a blindfold. Lan Xichen initially steps in to tell Wei Wuxian the significance of their ribbon, but Lan Wangji tells his brother to not bother explaining. Lan Xichen seems slightly amused as he backs off.
  • Wei Wuxian takes on the bet to hunt blindfolded, then later goes to rest on a tree. He soon notices someone's nearby and they end up kissing him hard. He assumes it was a particularly strong girl who was too nervous to show her face, not taking into account why he finds Lan Wangji angrily punching a tree when he tries to investigate. Then when Wei Wuxian claims he had of course kissed plenty of other people, Lan Wangji sulks off in jealousy.

The Rescue of the Wen Survivors

  • Lan Wangji goes to Yunmeng and onlookers note that he seems to be searching for someone. Cue a group of female ghouls giving Lan Wangji an armload of flowers with Wei Wuxian even tossing him a peony.
  • Wei Wuxian goes to the ancestral hall where Jiang Yanli is and asks her why people "like" other people. As she asks what maiden he likes, he quickly changes the subject by saying he doesn't think he'll ever like someone that much.
  • Lan Wangji confesses to his brother he wants to take someone back to Gusu and hide them there, something that echoes what their father did to their mother for their marriage. But unlike his father, he takes Wei Wuxian's refusal into account, as he seems to mournfully add that the person he wants to bring will not come willingly.
  • In the donghua when Lan Wangji arrives to stop the fighting between Wei Wuxian and the Jins, his face clearly shows he doesn't want to fight Wei Wuxian and only uses his guqin for defense.

Reunion in Yiling

  • Although the tension is still there, Wei Wuxian shares some nice moments with Lan Wangji when the two reunite, and their interactions with one another plus Wen Yuan is not unlike how two parents and their child would spend time together.
    • Wen Yuan calls Lan Wangji his father, much to the latter's embarrassment; when onlookers ask where his mother was, Wei Wuxian calls out to Lan Wangji and disperses the crowd.
    • Wei Wuxian jokes that he gave birth to Wen Yuan. This shocks Lan Wangji for a moment, and in the manhua he's visibly flustered.
    • Wei Wuxian "treats" Lan Wangji to lunch, although it's hard not to see it as a date when Lan Wangji pays for the meal along with Wen Yuan's toys and even seems to hope Wei Wuxian would ask him to stay at the Burial Mounds.
    • When Wei Wuxian seems to be suffering some backlash from stopping Wen Ning, Lan Wangji gently catches him and offers to give him some spiritual energy which the other refuses.
  • As Wei Wuxian helps pick out a name for Jiang Yanli's child, Jiang Cheng points out that Rulan sounds like a Lan name, and Wei Wuxian claims he picked it for different reasons.

The Nightless City Attack

  • When Lan Wangji confronts Wei Wuxian, he doesn't pull his sword on him and instead only uses his guqin. He also tries to use his hand to grab Chenqing from Wei Wuxian to calm him down.

Post-Time Skip

Mount Dafan

  • In every adaptation, when Lan Wangji hears Wei Wuxian play the song from Xuanwu Cave, he immediately runs off to find him. When he does, he grabs his wrist, stares intently at the other and refuses to let go until Wei Wuxian finally drops his flute. After this moment, he becomes instantly protective over Wei Wuxian and refuses to hand him over to Jiang Cheng or allow him to run away.
  • Wei Wuxian tries to disgust Jiang Cheng to distract him from suspecting that Wei Wuxian's current body does not hold its original occupantnote by claiming to be attracted to Lan Wangji, hoping that he would also disgust Lan Wangji and both would leave him alone. It naturally backfires.

    Lan Wangji: Mark your words.
    Wei Wuxian: Hmm?
    Lan Wangji: (to Jiang Cheng and everyone else) I will take this person back to the Lan Clan.
    Wei Wuxian: ...
    Wei Wuxian: ... Huh?

To the Cloud Recesses

  • Although it's never canonically confirmed, based on Wei Wuxian's updated outfit in the donghua and manhua adaptations it can be inferred that Lan Wangji bought him some new robes to wear before they officially make it to the Cloud Recess.
  • When Wei Wuxian is taken back to the Cloud Recesses, he pulls a very loud sobbing fit, hoping it would annoy Lan Wangji into abandoning him. But how does Lan Wangji respond?

    Lan Wangji: Let him cry. When he becomes tired, drag him inside.

  • Wei Wuxian attempts to escape the Cloud Recesses by stealing a jade pin (which would allow him to get past the barriers that surround the area) from anyone who's bathing in the Cold Springs. Unluckily for him, the only person who's there happens to be Lan Wangji, and Wei Wuxian immediately bolts out of there after getting caught. But he quickly bumps into Lan Sizhui and Lan Jingyi, to which he makes a scandalous comment in the hopes of being kicked out:

    Wei Wuxian: I didn't see! I didn't see anything! I'm definitely not here to peep at Hanguang-Jun bathing!

  • In the donghua adaptation of the Cold Springs moment, Lan Wangji catches Wei Wuxian trying to steal the jade pass but doesn't do anything other than walk up to him after thwarting his attempt. While Wei Wuxian mentally takes note of his chest scar, Lan Wangji gives him a very soft look, implying that he now finds the former's mischief a lot more endearing after having been deprived of it all these years.
  • Wei Wuxian attempts to ambush Lan Wangji in bed (to try and steal the exit pass), but the latter wakes up before he succeeds. He changes tactics by getting on top of him in hopes of disgusting him. However Lan Wangji is unfazed and uses a spell to freeze Wei Wuxian atop his body, before going back to sleep.

    Lan Wangji: Then stay like this for the whole night.

  • The Lan disciples go to wake Wei Wuxian up the morning after the latter's petrified in Lan Wangji's bed. He complains about being sore and puts the blame on Lan Wangji in an incredibly misleading way:

    Wei Wuxian: What's wrong? I got done by your clan's Hanguang-Jun!

  • In a audio drama live extra taking place on their way to Xinglu Ridge, Wei Wuxian once again puts on makeup to look like a ghostGrandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi - TV Tropes (3) in hopes of Lan Wangji finally chasing him away. However, when he pesters him with questions on whether or not he looks good, Lan Wangji initially tries to ignore him before his ears flush and he agrees. Their server on the other hand gets so scared he screams and runs out of the room. Wei Wuxian defeatedly sighs and concludes that Lan Wangji's patience has gotten a lot better.

Xinglu Ridge

  • Wei Wuxian is quick to cling to Lan Wangji when running away from Jin Ling's dog. In the novel and manhua, Lan Wangji becomes flustered and freezes. Meanwhile in the donghua, it's Wei Wuxian who feels embarrassed after realizing what he's done and pulls away while hastily changing the subject.
  • Lan Wangji ignores Wei Wuxian's protests about his leg being fine and carries him bridal-style when Wei Wuxian declines being carried via piggyback.
  • In the donghua version of the Sunshot Campaign, Lan Wangji found Wei Wuxian's Clarity Bell after he was taken by the Wens and held onto it. He attempted to return it later on, but gave up when he saw Jiang Yanli gifting Wei Wuxian with a new bell. 13 years later, after helping Wei Wuxian regain consciousness from the Curse Mark's affects using the same bell, Lan Wangji offers it back to him. In response, Wei Wuxian happily pushes it back into Lan Wangji's hand, saying he could keep it as a token of his gratitude. While it's subtle, it's clear how touched Lan Wangji is by the gesture. In promotional material, Lan Wangji can even be seen wearing the bell.
  • Wei Wuxian tries to stop Lan Wangji from checking on his curse mark, so he pulls his pants leg up himself. He then remarks on how it's gone all the way up to his groin. Lan Wangji becomes flustered and turns away, but Wei Wuxian doesn't understand why.

Yi City

  • While Wei Wuxian asks a waiter for details about what happened to the massacred Chang Clan, the waiter gets very friendly while telling the story and wraps an arm around Wei Wuxian. The waiter then starts to notice that Lan Wangji is glaring at him for some reason.

    Wei Wuxian: This friend of mine was brought up strictly. He absolutely hates it when other people are being too comfortable with each other in front of him. Isn't that strange?
    Waiter: Strange indeed. The way he looked over, you'd think that I was putting my arm around his wife...

  • Wei Wuxian tells the waiter that he drank all the wine that he ordered (since they made a deal that if Wei Wuxian could finish the wine and still stand, the waiter would adopt his surname). When the waiter then asks for his name, Wei Wuxian answers that his family name is "Lan", and the waiter announces that his surname would be "Lan" from now on. Lan Wangji overhears this, and trips over his feet.
  • The first (on-screen) time Lan Wangji gets drunk. After falling asleep, he drunkenly goes out to find Wei Wuxian and Wen Ning together, and things spiral from there:
    • Out of jealousy, Lan Wangji pushes Wen Ning away and confiscates Wei Wuxian's flute when the latter starts playing it to get Wen Ning away. Wei Wuxian misunderstands the reason but tries to calm him down by promising to only play the flute for him, which the drunk Lan Wangji is satisfied with.
    • Lan Wangji tells Wei Wuxian he can listen to his heartbeat if his face doesn't show anything, but he does that by grabbing Wei Wuxian's head and holding it against his chest.
    • Wei Wuxian decides to play In Vino Veritas and interrogate Lan Wangji only to receive expressive yet monosyllabic replies. However when Wei Wuxian points to himself and asks what Lan Wangji thinks about him, the latter replies, "Mine". When Wei Wuxian believes Lan Wangji was referring Bichen since he's holding it, he asks if he wanted it back. Lan Wangji then grabs Wei Wuxian's arm, pulls him forward and says, "I want it", which causes Wei Wuxian to blush.

      Wei Wuxian: [thinking] Hah... Lan Zhan, what a guy... Even a male adult like me feels weak in the knees after hearing that.

    • At the end of the shenanigans, Lan Wangji's body clock kicks in and he pulls a frozen Wei Wuxian into bed with him to sleep. When Wei Wuxian asks to be unpetrified so he can go and sleep in his own room, Lan Wangji misunderstands and attempts to remove Wei Wuxian's clothes instead.
    • In the next morning, Lan Wangji wakes up to a topless Wei Wuxian opening up his shirt (the latter was just disrobing their shirts for the sake of comfort) and tumbles off the bed in shock. Wei Wuxian decides to mess with him a little by winking at him and say, "You were so wild [last night], Hanguang-Jun!" Lan Wangji's shocked expression is enough to have Wei Wuxian later tell him nothing actually happened and he was just teasing the other.
  • Wei Wuxian watches a group of children renacting the Sunshot Campaign, and his mood drops when the little Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng children bring up the pair's tense. However, noticing the little Lan Wangji is all it takes to cheer him up, as he laments that somehow someone as "boring" as his companion can make him happy.
  • When Wei Wuxian encounters Fairy (who's chasing after Little Apple) before going to Yi City in the donghua, he runs to Lan Wangji and clings behind him in fear. A lot of emphasis is put on Lan Wangji staring at Wei Wuxian's arms around his neck, before patting his hands to comfort him.
  • After entering Yi City in the donghua adaptation, when Lan Wangji inquires about the curse mark, Wei Wuxian reassures him it's mostly gone by opening up his shirt to reveal his bare chest and then bends down to lift his skirt while offering to show more proof. At this very moment, Lan Wangji's eyes can be seen glancing downward as if he were Eating the Eye Candy, with the donghua even adding a dinging sound effect. Wei Wuxian pokes fun at him, saying how he's changed and that the old him would lecture about not having any manners. He sweatdrops and sheepishly looks away, however, when he fails to break Lan Wangji's stoic demeanour.
  • When Jin Ling runs into Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji at Yi City in the donghua and questions why "Mo Xuanyu" is always hanging out with the latter, Wei Wuxian clings to Lan Wangji's arm and smugly replies, "Because I like being around him. What about it?"
  • Xue Yang taunting Wei Wuxian as he takes advantage of his weaker body and as Wei Wuxian continues dodging he asks, "Who's gonna protect you? Hanguang-Jun?" Cue Lan Wangji ramming into Xue Yang as Wei Wuxian compliments him on his timing.
  • Lan Jingyi asking Wei Wuxian why he didn't try to protest more in asking Lan Wangji to stay by his side. He then starts reciting words like, "I won't leave without you!" which causes Wei Wuxian to cringe.
  • Later on, as the juniors are admiring Lan Wangji, Lan Jingyi asks if Wei Wuxian agrees that Lan Wangji is the best. It takes Wei Wuxian a beat before he realizes Lan Jingyi was referring to him; when the Lan disciple thinks he doesn't agree, Wei Wuxian hastily says Lan Wangji is indeed the best.
  • In the donghua adaptation of the Yi City arc, due to the changes in events, Lan Wangji is present with the rest of the group when they go seek refuge and use Empathy on A-Qing, leading to additional moments between the protagonists:
    • Lan Wangji helps Wei Wuxian make the congee, making the two look very domestic. As they do this, Ouyang Zizhen comments that Lan Wangji is different from what he expected, and Lan Jingyi replies that it's all because of "Mo Xuanyu".
    • Wei Wuxian takes the bowl of congee from Lan Wangji to continue feeding Jin Ling. Instead of just grabbing it, however, he slides his hand underneath Lan Wangji's hand to slip the bowl into his own hand.
    • When Lan Sizhui reveals that Lan Wangji doesn't actually ever eat spicy food, the latter covers part of his face and looks away from Wei Wuxian in embarrassment (plus out of discomfort from the smell of spicy congee) before regaining his composure.
    • During the Empathy session, Wei Wuxian feels stung when watching Xue Yang chastise Xiao Xingchen for making others suffer due to his righteous acts, something that clearly hits too close to home for the former. When it rains blood, Lan Wangji brings out a umbrella to shield him and the two share a small smile as Wei Wuxian adjusts the umbrella so that it covers both of them; in addition to being an act of comfort from Lan Wangji, it can also be seen as symbolic of the two being equally protective of each other through hardship. Also noteworthy is that when Wei Wuxian repositions the umbrella, he does it by holding Lan Wangji's hand rather than the umbrella cane itself.
  • In the donghua when in Yunping, Lan Jingyi's disturbed look when Wei Wuxian rests his arm on Lan Wangji's shoulder and starts patting his chest is akin to seeing their teachers showing public displays of affection together.
  • In the donghua version's version of the children acting out the Sunshot Campaign, Lan Wangji helps up the child playing Wei Wuxian after the other kids all gang up him and awkwardly accepts a gift from him; Wei Wuxian smiles softly and laughs in response to this, before running up to walk with Lan Wangji together while holding on to his arm. While not the first time he's clung to his arm in the adaptation, it's the first time that he's doing it out of genuine affection rather as a Security Cling or while putting on an act.
  • If Lan Wangji's first time drinking with Wei Wuxian wasn't enough to drive the latter crazy, then the second time sure does:
    • Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to give him his forehead ribbon and he acquiesces. He then ties the ribbon around Wei Wuxian's wrists and refuses to undo it, even dragging him back to the inn to show off to the horrified juniors. This makes a lot more sense when Lan Sizhui later reveals what the Lan Clan's forehead ribbon stands for. Lan Wangji is essentially proclaiming his love for Wei Wuxian in public and that he chooses Wei Wuxian as his "destined one".
    • The pair spend most of the night playing tag, with Wei Wuxian even teasing Lan Wangji that he'll bite him if he gets caught. Lan Wangji pauses, turns around and purposefully gets caught. This leads into Wei Wuxian kissing Lan Wangji's hand and, on an impulse, his lips.
  • The donghua combines the two Yi City arc's drunk events but still shows the protagonists' teasing or possessive side and makes it clear how much they value each other:
    • How does Lan Wangji gets drunk in the first place? He mistakenly chugs down a full cup of wine after choking on a chilli pepper, which he only did because Wei Wuxian claiming his surname was Lan threw him off that much.
    • After Lan Wangji denies that he's drunk, he gets right into Wei Wuxian's face for a few seconds, mere centimetres apart, before dragging him by the wrist to go back inside. Then Wei Wuxian panics and tells him that the latter's reputation will be ruined if the junior disciples see them like this, making it sound like the kids are going to catch them in a scandalous secret relationship.
    • Lan Wangji attempts to give Wei Wuxian some gifts, which comprise a toy rattle drum, a pin wheel, and a flower. When Wei Wuxian hesitates, Lan Wangji decides to try and drag him back to Gusu. Wei Wuxian manages to slip out of his grasp and the two playfully chase each other, mirroring the times Lan Wangji would chase Wei Wuxian on the roofs trying to take away his Emperor's Smile as students.
    • When Wei Wuxian advises Lan Wangji to take off his forehead ribbon , he does so in a Coy, Girlish Flirt Pose.
    • Not only does the adaptation keep the detail of Wei Wuxian being tied up by Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon, but numerous changes leads to Lan Xichen also witnessing this bewildering situation. The shock on his face when he looks at Wei Wuxian trying untie the ribbon (and with his teeth no less) and then at his brother with his bare forehead says it all.
    • After Lan Wangji eventually passes out, Wei Wuxian carefully tucks him in and even gently makes sure Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon is in place. The way Wei Wuxian caresses the ribbon so Lan Wangji didn't look unkempt as he slept shows how much he cares about Lan Wangji.
  • While camping out after Yi City, Wei Wuxian asks the junior Lan Clan disciples what's so special about the Lan Clan ribbon. The shocked juniors have to awkwardly explain it's basically a "restraint" for their control that can only be relinquished to your spouse. Wei Wuxian takes this news as well as one would expect as he runs off with his face flushed as he remembered the time he accidentally pulled Lan Wangji's ribbon off and received a Death Glare for it.

Golden Carp Tower

  • When Jin Ling asks why "Mo Xuanyu" doesn't act so supportive of Jin Guangyao anymore (since the original Mo Xuanyu got kicked out of Golden Tower due to his attraction to said half-brother), Wei Wuxian claims that it's because he's moved on to Lan Wangji. The manhua has the most glorious depiction of this scene — to ham it up in front of Jin Ling, Wei Wuxian waxes on about how he doesn't want to be with anyone else if it isn't Lan Wangji (complete with backgrounds that come straight out of a shoujo manga), not realizing the man is standing right behind him. When Wei Wuxian turns around, Lan Wangji looks surprised and even a bit hopeful. Even more? The words Wei Wuxian uses "I can't live without him, I don't want anyone but Hanguang-Jun," are the words he would later use in his Love Confession.
  • When Wei Wuxian transfers his consciousness into a paper talisman, he flies over to Lan Wangji and presses his face onto his lips. Lan Wangji blushes at this and asks him to not fool around and also tells Wei Wuxian to be careful.
  • Although paperman-Wei Wuxian doesn't get to directly kiss Lan Wangji in the donghua, the scene is somehow made even more sensual. Lan Wangji actually smiles while the paperman tries to play with him, clearly indulging the other in his antics. When Wei Wuxian starts to fall and pull on Lan Wangji's lips, the latter catches him. Before sending him off, Lan Wangji gently wipes some of the drink Wei Wuxian had tasted earlier off his face, all while Wei Wuxian is beaming and blushing.
  • As Wei Wuxian is off investigating, Lan Wangji brushes his fingers across his lips. Then when he notices that Wei Wuxian is acting pained, he quickly goes over to Wei Wuxian's body to hold it and try to relax him.
  • The donghua shows Lan Wangji carrying Wei Wuxian on his back as he tries to evade the cultivators blocking their way when on his way to confront Jin Guangyao.
  • Right after revealing his parents' backstory in the donghua, Lan Xichen tells Wei Wuxan that Lan Wangji has stood by his side no matter what peoples have said about him, making the comparisons between them and his parents more explicit.
  • Back at the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian finds a pressed peony in one of Lan Wangji's books, which is the one he threw to him in Yunmeng a long time ago.
  • Wei Wuxian finds out about the forehead ribbon rule later in the donghua when he finds his old notebook and reads that that Lan clan members may only let their fated person touch their head ribbons. Wei Wuxian's panic and guilt afterward suggests that the meaning behind "fated person" is incredibly intimate even in this adaptation. There's also the question of why Lan Wangji has his former classmate's notes and with flower bookmark being kept where the forehead ribbon rule was...

The Second Siege

  • When leaving the Cloud Recesses, Wei Wuxian recalls how he would be carried on his father's shoulders while the father would lead their donkey with the mother sitting on it. Wei Wuxian, who's seated on Little Apple, mimics this memory by making Lan Wangji hold the reigns while musing to himself that they're missing a "little one".
  • As Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji travel, they are about to take a watermelon from a courtyard when the owners return. Wei Wuxian hides himself and Lan Wangji in a spur-of-the-moment to avoid looking like intruders, and Ship Tease ensues:
    • An amused Wei Wuxian notes that the mother refers to her husband as Er-gege, and proceeds to do the same to Lan Wangji. Keep in mind that the former has pushed down the latter at this point. A flustered Lan Wangji eventually has enough and flips positions while threatening him to be quiet.
    • The mother scolds the father for not disciplining their son properly. He goes on to say that their son was merely teasing the other kid because he wanted their attention, which seems to really get to Wei Wuxian.
  • Wei Wuxian thinks up of ideas for Lan Wangji's retirement plans, which conveniently includes the two of them having their houses next to each other while balancing domestic duties and night-hunting together. And again muses that they're missing a little one.
  • Lan Wangji makes a point of standing with Wei Wuxian during the entire Second Siege. It has the feel of the "I got your flower" meme as Lan Wangji silences the Su Clan and provides backup for Wei Wuxian as he's solving the crisis.
  • Battle Couple WangXian happens here, with Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian teaming up as the only adults capable of fighting to deal with the horde of fierce corpses.
  • In the donghua, Wei Wuxian use his powers to turn both himself and Lan Wangji's robes into Spirit-Attraction Flags. He deos this by dying their robes in blood, making them red from head to toe... not unlike the traditional red Chinese wedding garments. The donghua staff promoting official art of it on Weibo and using it for official merchanise makes it clear they knew exactly what they were doing; one merchandise even includes red autumn leaves, which is a reference to a phrase used on marriage certificates in China, "红叶之盟".

Return to Lotus Pier

  • After leaving the Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian finally collapses on the boats with Lan Wangji catching and carrying him to a cabin to sleep it off. When he's slightly roused, Wei Wuxian calls for Lan Wangji and cuddles up next to him while Lan Wangji tells him to sleep. The juniors get so flustered they immediately leave the cabin so the two could be alone.
  • As Wei Wuxian wakes up, he realizes he pulled off Lan Wangji's forehead ribbon in his sleep and gives it back. He then muses how Lan Wangji coddles him and thinks about how nice it would have been had he pretended to remain unconscious so he could have stayed in Lan Wangji's arms for the rest of the journey.
  • Wei Wuxian thinks it would be nice to fall and be caught...and Lan Wangji happily does so when his companion jumps out of the tree. He even, for once, does not get upset over Wei Wuxian saying thank you as he knows this is important to him.
  • Wei Wuxian takes Lan Wangji to the ancestral hall and bows twice before the tablets of Jiang Fengmian and Yu Ziyuan. As they were his foster parents, it has the feel of essentially introducing a suitor to the parents. On top of that, Wei Wuxian muses on how they in some way completed two of the three bows required for marriage.
  • In the donghua version of the two marriage bows, there are three main camera angles used: one facing the Jiang ancestral shrine during the first bow, one point-of-view from above Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji during the second bow, and the other angle focusing on their faces via a Juxtaposed Halves Shot when they finish the second bow. Recall that the three marriage bows are done towards 1) the parents, 2) heaven and earth, and 3) to each other. The duo may not have completed the bows, but the donghua certainly got creative in subtly hinting at the particular wedding custom and the duo "uniting as one" in this moment. This also takes place in the finale of the donghua before they go off to lead their own lives together instead of before Guanyin Temple (which unsurprisingly ommitted the romantic subplot in the adaptation), allowing the adaptation to finish off by focusing on the two's relationship.
  • In the donghua as Jiang Cheng continues to chase after Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji sends a blast of energy that causes the former's hair piece to fly off. It clearly signals to Jiang Cheng that Lan Wangji doesn't care for his old relations to Wei Wuxian, and if he were to take one more step, Lan Wangji will do everything in his power to protect Wei Wuxian.

Yunping City

  • Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji find themselves sharing a room with one bed. Even though they've shared rooms up until this point, it's only now that Wei Wuxian seems to notice it the most (thanks to Jiang Cheng earlier mocking them for their relationship).
  • As Wei Wuxian tries to get some rest, he finds out that even though he joked at the beginning that he can't sleep without Lan Wangji in bed with him, he unfortunately finds out it seems to have become true as he can't sleep alone. Then when he looks over to see Lan Wangji he assures Wei Wuxian he'll keep watch while he tries to sleep.
  • Following the trend of the two previous drunken incidents, Wei Wuxian getting Lan Wangji drunk causes the sexual tension to surface once more along with their wacky adventures, only this times things truly escalate in the end:
    • Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian two chickens; while he does this because he remembered Wei Wuxian's story of stealing chickens as kids, chickens are also common marriage/courting gifts in Chinese society. He continues to try and give Wei Wuxian gifts, ranging from his wallet, Bichen, loquats and the aforementioned chickens. The entire time, Wei Wuxian is thinking in part on how much he adores Lan Wangji.
    • As Lan Wangji vandalizes a wall saying "Lan Wangji was here" he later draws two little figures kissing beneath his writing. In the donghua he doodles a chibi-like version of himself standing in front of Wei Wuxian and protecting him. He nods in satisfaction.
    • The entire bathtub scene comprises Wei Wuxian giving the drunk Lan Wangji a bath because the latter wants to be pampered by him. Later he refuses to let Wei Wuxian leave his side and pulls him into the tub with him (and at this point it's hinted he's actually sobered up). The two end up heavily making out and getting a little physical with Wei Wuxian nearly confessing afterwards, except he makes some very poor wording choices which leads to Lan Wangji misunderstanding how he actually feels.

Guanyin Temple

  • As Lan Xichen reveals to Wei Wuxian, while attempting to protect him, Lan Wangji went against his own clan, vowed to shoulder half of Wei Wuxian's crimes, and willingly took the punishments for hurting 33 elders, which rendered him bedridden for nearly three years from 33 scars that will never heal.
  • Lan Xichen hints that Lan Wangji had actually confessed his feelings to Wei Wuxian after he hid him in a cave after taking him away from Nightless City, but Wei Wuxian's mind was too shattered at the moment to realize it. He then adds that the only mistake his brother ever made in his life, was Wei Wuxian.
  • Jin Guangyao holds Wei Wuxian hostage and warns Lan Wangji to not try anything if he doesn't want Wei Wuxian killed. All Lan Wangji can say to him is, "Do. Not. Touch. Him."
  • When Wei Wuxian tries to call out Jin Guangyao for making Lan Wangji seal his powers lest Wei Wuxian's throat gets slit, Jin Guangyao replies that Lan Wangji has no choice but to do so, since Jin Guangyao is holding the latter's life in his hands. At first, this seems to be a grammatical mistake. But no, he meant to say that Wei Wuxian is Lan Wangji's life.
  • After finding out about Lan Wangji's feelings, Wei Wuxian finally becomes certain of what he really feels for Lan Wangji, leading to the cathartic series of events where he confesses to him loud and clear:
    • Even with Jin Guangyao literally holding him by the neck to prevent Lan Wangji from making a move, he still makes it his priority to declare his feelings, whether or not other people can hear him. How does he word it? "Lan Zhan! Lan Wangji! Hanguang-Jun! I, just now, I really wanted to go to sleep with you!" Keep in mind that both he and Lan Wangji are being held hostage under armed guard without access to spiritual energy, and they're in a Buddhist temple and right in front of Lan Xichen and Jin Ling. Lan Xichen even lampshades that Wei Wuxian didn't pick the best time and place to declare his love.
    • Realizing that Lan Wangji may be still having doubts thanks to the many mixed messages and misunderstandings beforehand, Wei Wuxian confesses to him again but in much more detail, rambling on how he can't live without him and wants to spend every day with him amongst other things. In response, an emotional Lan Wangji hugs him tight and repeats some of the confession back, and Wei Wuxian can even feel him tearing up.
  • If you want solid proof of the two being Sickeningly Sweethearts, there's the scene after their Love Confession when Wei Wuxian gets spooked by Fairy and Lan Wangji comforts him. And yes, they're having this exchange even with both their relatives and the antagonists in earshot.

    Wei Wuxian: Lan Zhan!
    Lan Wangji: I am here!
    Wei Wuxian: Hug me!
    Lan Wangji: I am hugging you!
    Wei Wuxian: Hug me tight!
    Lan Wangji: I am hugging you tight!

  • While Jiang Cheng is chewing out Wei Wuxian again, Lan Wangji shoves Jiang Cheng when the latter is about to lay a hand on Wei Wuxian and even tells him to shut his mouth, albeit with more sophisticated wording. When Jiang Cheng continues to speak venomous and hurtful words, Lan Wangji consoles Wei Wuxian by holding his hand, and nearly attacks Jiang Cheng again when the clan leader's rage reaches its zenith.


  • Shortly after they dealt with the Big Bad, they decided to have their real first time in the wilderness, not caring whether Little Apple is nearby to see or hear them. Then, this little exchange happens:

    Wei Wuxian: Lan Zhan, when I said I wanted to sleep with you every day, can you pretend like you didn’t hear it?
    Lan Wangji: No.
    Wei Wuxian: How could you do this? You’ve never turned me down before.
    Lan Wangji: [smiles] No.

  • After Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji encounter a grown-up Mianmian, who now has a family of her own, Wei Wuxian realizes that Lan Wangji stole the scented pouch that Mianmian gave him out of jealousy and has been using it as his money pouch all this time.
  • Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji for the name of the song he played since he never told him. Lan Wangji quietly replies, "Wangxian". Wei Wuxian starts bursting out into laughter as he realizes why Lan Wangji never told him its name. In the donghua Wei Wuxian just laughs and remarks that it was a suitable name.
  • Wei Wuxian showing off him being able to sit cross legged on Little Apple's back, calling for Lan Wangji attention. Lan Wangji looks over to his husband and smiles, his gaze not moving from him.
  • While no love confession or kisses are exchanged in the donghua, the epilogue still doesn't shy away from them being a couple in all but name:
    • While the moment where Lan Wangji catches Wei Wuxian falling from the tree at Lotus Pier is modified in the adaptation, a variant appears here when Little Apple makes Wei Wuxian lose his balance which prompts Lan Wangji to hold him by the waist while his companion holds on to his shoulder. This almost-embrace lasts for a few good moments and Wei Wuxian gives a warm laugh and smile, sending a similar message that Lan Wangji will now always be here to support Wei Wuxian when he falters.
    • Wei Wuxian's memory of travelling with his parents is moved here. What triggers it? Lan Wangji catching him when he nearly falls off of Little Apple, because it reminds him of his father grabbing hold of his mother's hand when she similarly almost fell off their donkey while the trio travelled together. He then gets Lan Wangji to hold the reins and muses out loud (twice!) about how they're missing a "little one"... Cue Lan Sizhui running after them, which actually prompts Wei Wuxian to comment that a little one has arrived after all. This detail, followed by Lan Sizhui hugging the protagonists while he informs them his memories as Wen Yuan have returned and how he's grateful to both men for raising him, drives home the parallels between his old family and his new family.
    • The adaptation ends with image of a house in a secluded area and two rabbits at the front of it, and it's very similar to the little home Wei Wuxian dreams of one day retiring in with Lan Wangji in the novel.


Extra 1: Banquet

  • Wei Wuxian finally gets to sees in person the juniors subjected to the new punishment of copying the rules while doing handstands, and realizes that Lan Wangji got his near-superhuman strength from the same workout. Wei Wuxian's mouth moves faster than his brain in thinking up bedroom games.

    Wei Wuxian: You can even do me upside-down?
    Lan Wangji: I can try.
    Wei Wuxian: Hahahahahaha... What did you say?
    Lan Wangji: I can try tonight.
    Wei Wuxian: ...

Extra 2: Incense Burner

  • Both chapters of the extra are essentially some bonus smutty fanfiction Mo Xiang Tong Xiu wrote for the readers to enjoy.
  • In the first half, the main pair find an incense burner which allows them to share dreams. The first dream, which belongs to the shameless Wei Wuxian, is a comparatively normal fantasy of their life together in retirement and seclusion. The second dream gets more interesting because it's Lan Wangji's, featuring the younger versions of themselves in the Lan Clan's library in a fight which ends in sex. And he did extra work on the dream details!
  • In the second half, the third dream basically has Wei Wuxian tease a young Lan Wangji about how they would get married in the future, but nothing sexual happens (besides the former giving the latter a quick peck on the cheek). In the fourth dream, however, there's the infamous scene where Wei Wuxian finds another inappropriate use for Bichen (Lan Wangji's sword) by using it as a sex toy when Lan Wangji refuses to submit to his advances.

Extra 4: Intrusion

  • A running problem for poor Lan Sizhui is dealing with his incredibly amorous and embarrassing parents.
  • Lan Wangji dresses the sleepy Wei Wuxian every morning since he sleeps in longer than him. Multiple times, Lan Sizhui notes that Wei Wuxian is wearing the underclothes of Lan Wangji which he assumes is an accident...

Extra 5: Iron Hook

  • The Reveal that... Lan Wangji keeps marking papers with Wei Wuxian in his lap. In front of their adopted son.

Extra 6: Lotus Seed Pod

  • Wei Wuxian keeps bringing up Lan Wangji so often that Jiang Cheng says he's getting tired of hearing it. Even the Jiang disciplines get in on teasing Wei Wuxian, asking if he wanted to sleep by Lan Wangji.
  • Later on, Wei Wuxian claims he wanted to bring Lan Wangji over so he could tease him and see if the old man of the lake would hit him. This ends up coming true later in a different story.
  • Lan Wangji during his hand-stand training with Lan Xichen nonchalantly asks his brother if he ever picked lotus pod-seeds. He then goes on to describe how to pick the best seeds to eat, which was everything Wei Wuxian told him in casual conversation and he remembers every word. Lan Xichen asks him why he's suddenly mentioning this information, and Lan Wangji comments that there was no reason.
  • Lan Wangji's rabbits stop by to play around, and Lan Xichen asks Lan Wangji what his rabbits names were since he recalled him calling them over one time. He refuses to give an answer.
  • Lan Wangji then asks his brother if he had ever eaten watermelon rinds and mentions that he heard they can be stir-fried. When his brother asks if he'd like someone to try and stir-fry it, Lan Wangji declines the offer, to which his brother agrees.
  • Lan Wangji spends the rest of the story on a mission to get some lotus seed pods. One of the workers selling lotus pod seeds argues that there isn't much difference in taste from stemless and stemmed lotus pod, but Lan Wangji argues there was since someone told him. The lady jokes that his stubbornness made him come off as possessed. This entire story occurred because Wei Wuxian mentioned lotus pod seeds to him one time.
  • Afterwards, Lan Wangji confirms to his brother that the stemmed lotus pod seeds tasted better, and Lan Xichen notes that his brother must really like lotus seeds. Lan Wangji can only hide an embarrassed breath.

Extra 7: Dream Come True

  • While trying all the food they could see, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji try eating some lotus and pork soup (the food Jiang Yanli would always make for Wei Wuxian) in a restaurant. Wei Wuxian notes on what wasn't cooked right, and Lan Wangji asks for pointers. Wei Wuxian then wonders if Lan Wangji is planning to cook for him, then realizes that Lan Wangji already did so, during the family banquet. He expresses how impressed he is over Lan Wangji being good at everything, and the compliment is enough for Lan Wangji to break his stoic facade and show a smile.
  • The pair go on a date, and play ring-toss where you get whatever you hook with three rings. Wei Wuxian wins a porcelain tortoise. Lan Wangji wins a stuffed donkey. Lan Wangji then uses the last ring to hook Wei Wuxian.
  • After touring the streets, they decide to go on a boat ride. While Wei Wuxian talks about how he always wanted to take Lan Wangji to Yunmeng, the latter smiles before the boat suddenly topples over. While wondering who made the boat capsize, they decide to hug and kiss instead.
  • Wei Wuxian remarks how in the past Lan Wangji would brush off anything Wei Wuxian offered him, and in return Lan Wangji makes one of his most sentimental statements:

    Lan Wangji: You can try now, see for yourself if there is anything I could refuse you.

Taiwan Extra: From Dawn to Dusk

  • In spite of Lan Qiren being in the Cloud Recesses at the moment, and with his living quarters being close to Lan Wangji's, the Happily Married couple decides to take the risk and get it on anyway, even going through two passionate rounds.
  • Lan Wangji Does Not Know His Own Strength during coitus. When Lan Wangji gives Wei Wuxian a bath, he's reluctant to join him by stating that they had to replace the bathtub four times in the last four days they've been in the Cloud Recesses. And every time, Lan Wangji is the one who ends up breaking them.

Audio Drama

Season 1


  • Wei Wuxian asks Lan Wangji to teach him some Gusu dialect (reputed to be a very cute and soft dialect) and attempts to get Lan Wangji to call him "dada" the Gusu dialect for "older brother". Note that the word choice here is very casual, used often by children on their relatives. It can have romantic connotations if used on a non-relative.
  • Wei Wuxian had already called Lan Wangji "gege", which Mandarin for "older brother", on several occasions before (same connotation). And in this short, in attempt to get Lan Wangji to say them, Wei Wuxian himself has repeatedly addressed Lan Wangji as "dada". All with a playful, coitish tone.


  • The in-between scenes of Lan Wangji quite literally dragging Wei Wuxian back to the Cloud Recesses, equal parts hilarious as it is telling. He ties Wei Wuxian up on Little Apple and as Wei Wuxian starts complaining more, he only tightens his restraints. To add onto that, Lan Wangji only tightens the restraints after Wei Wuxian teasingly asks him if he ever wanted to do something to him, but he notably doesn't answer his question.

Season 2


  • As Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji accidentally get drunk, Lan Xichen notices his brother's depressed mood and Lan Wangji mutters that he wants a flute (he's actually referring to Wei Wuxian). Lan Xichen cheerfully suggests they go to Yunmeng since he knows Wei Wuxian plays the flute and they would ask him to play for them, Lan Wangji perks up at the idea. Not that they carry through with the suggestion, sadly, given that Lan Qiren scolds them for acting "rambunctious".

"Paper Balls"

  • Although his jealousy could have played a part in him intercepting Wei Wuxian's paper balls, Wei Wuxian's latest message to Lan Wangji (which he had intentionally let Lan Wangji intercept) basically serves as a premature love confession. The message reads that if Lan Wangji wanted to look at Wei Wuxian's calligraphy that bad, he didn't need to intercept his messages. Wei Wuxian then adds that Lan Wangji can tell him directly if he wants to be friends, and in return Wei Wuxian will share whatever he has with him as long as he doesn't steal his paper balls anymore. It ends with Lan Wangji storming out of the class in embarrassment and anger, with Wei Wuxian soon following afterwards.

"Lap Pillow"

  • While stuck at Xuanwu Cave, a feverish Wei Wuxian whines and asks Lan Wangji to adjust his head or massage his sore body, and Lan Wangji complies with all of his demands. Wei Wuxian sighs and believes it all to be a dream since Lan Wangji wasn't scolding him and doing everything he asked.

    Wei Wuxian: Where would I find a Lan Zhan like this when I'm awake?

Season 3

"Tossing Flowers"

  • In a Yunmeng bar, one of the ghoul maidens around Wei Wuxian explain the meaning of some flowers to the other girls, and one in particular was the peony which meant, "wishing you will return my feelings" or "to part with a heavy heart". Wei Wuxian initially scoffs at the meaning before he sees Lan Wangji and throws him a peony. However, it seems Lan Wangji ignores him as he walks away. Later on, Lan Wangji walks up to where Wei Wuxian is and tries to give the flowers back before Wei Wuxian tells him they already belong to him.

"Sleeping Together"

  • The extra covers Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji after leaving Cloud Recesses and before the events of Xinglu Ridge. Wanting to be left alone, Wei Wuxian tries to annoy and disgust Lan Wangji by insisting they sleep in the same room. Lan Wangji then asks for a room with two separate beds. In return, Wei Wuxian claims that he's not comfortable enough, and even throws his pillow out the window so he would have to sleep on Lan Wangji's bed. And this is before he makes Lan Wangji put a hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat... until Lan Wangji has had enough and uses both the Body-Binding and the Silencing Spells on him.

"Planting Radishes"

  • Wen Ning asks whether or not Wei Wuxian would have children of his own and if he'd want them to be like him. Wei Wuxian goes on to describe his ideal child and he's basically describing Lan Wangji.

"Keeping Rabbits"

  • Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji watch a pair rabbits and Lan Xichen makes a note of a black and white male rabbit. The white rabbit seems very keen on keeping the black rabbit to itself by chasing the other rabbits away. As Lan Xichen remarks that the white rabbit had quite a temper Lan Wangji comments, "He is merely guarding what is his." Lan Xichen mistakes this as the white rabbit being possessive over its territory but Lan Wangji corrects him by saying it had nothing to do with territory before leaving with the two rabbits in his arms. Even when Lan Xichen asks him if he should leave the rabbits so they could make new friends Lan Wangji says "It's better this way." The two rabbits clearly represent the protagonists, with Lan Wangji also similarly.

Founder of Diabolism Q/ Mo Dao Zu Shi Q


  • The entire series in general is allowed to get away with more subtly romantic moments between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian, in contrast to the main donghua.
  • Lan Wangji expresses his emotions more in this mini-series as his ears are shown to be frequently flushing whenever he's around Wei Wuxian. Even in the ad placement, his ears turn red after Wei Wuxian gives him the drink.
  • In Wei Wuxian's birthday special, Lan Wangji makes a cake that's shaped like his favorite hot pot dish filled with chilis, with Wei Wuxian exclaiming that he has to like it because it's made by him.
  • In Lan Wangji's birthday special, Lan Wangji dreams of his mother playing with a rattle drum before it cuts to Wei Wuxian waking him up from his reverie while holding a similar rattle drum. The latter proceeds to naughtily ask him if he wants to have some "tea", to which Lan Wangji smiles and agrees.


Episode 3

  • Wei Wuxian pours hot sauce over Lan Wangji's rice and claims he needs to be able to eat spicy foods if he wants to court a girl from Yunmeng. Lan Wangji hesitates but eventually eats it, which shocks Wei Wuxian before he starts teasing and badgering Lan Wangji with questions about who he likes from Yunmeng.

Episode 9

  • Wei Wuxian attempts to give Lan Wangji several birthday gifts, one of which is a porn book and another being a calligraphy writing that reads "Lan Wangji is so attractive".
  • Wei Wuxian holds up all of the arrows the two shot earlier, but he holds them in such a way that it looks like a bouquet. Lan Wangji's ears actually flush and all he can mutter in tsundere fashion is, "How foolish."

Episode 12

  • As Wei Wuxian runs from the measuring snake, he spots Lan Wangji and calls him for help. Lan Wangji responds by preparing to draw his sword and protect Wei Wuxian.

Episode 14

  • When Wen Yuan runs into Lan Wangji, he immediately latches on and calls him daddy. As Lan Wangji starts to buy him gifts, Wen Yuan gets more attached, causing Wei Wuxian to get jealous. Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian then have an argument over Wen Yuan's eating habits the way a married couple would.
  • In the climax, Wei Wuxian tearfully asks Wen Yuan what he's called if Lan Wangji is "daddy". Wen Yuan's response? Mommy. Lan Wangji's ears are blushing as Wen Yuan calls for them.

Episode 20

  • The episode starts with Lan Wangji pouring some Emperor's Smile and thinking about Wei Wuxian before placing one cup over the Gusu Lan boundary line.
  • When Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen drink wine and immediately get drunk, one of Lan Wangji's drunken escapades involves him carving Wei Wuxian's face into the Wall of Discipline. Multiple times.
  • Everything Wei Wuxian did during the Cloud Recesses that Lan Wangji originally scoffed at, he now does all of them when he's drunk. From drinking the wine, hunting pheasants, eating the spicy chili over his rice and digging up ant-holes with Bichen.
  • Lan Xichen throughout all of this is just happily giggling and telling his little brother that he'll always support him no matter what.

Episode 22

  • Everything Wei Wuxian attempts to do to get kicked out of the Cloud Recesses, only leads to Lan Wangji calmly watching before freezing him with a spell, showing how he's not letting Wei Wuxian go like he did before.
    • Wei Wuxian pretends he definitely wasn't peeping on Lan Wangji before attempting to run off. Lan Wangji freezes him and places Wei Wuxian next to him in the spring.
    • When Wei Wuxian successfully gets Lan Wangji drunk (hence breaking the rules) and tries to negotiate leaving, the latter simply ties the former up with his forehead ribbon in his room before going to sleep.

Episode 23

  • When Wei Wuxian sulks over the inaccurate and unflattering picture of himself as the Yiling Patriarch, Lan Wangji replaces it with a much more faithful drawing that he made himself. He then describes the Yiling Patriarch to be an attractive man, which makes Wei Wuxian (who's still pretending to be Mo Xuanyu) blush.

Episode 27

  • To stop Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian from fighting over the former's marriage prospects, Lan Wangji pulls Wei Wuxian and drags him away by the hand while telling him they should rest.
  • Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian appear together in Jiang Cheng's dream, even when there is no reason for Lan Wangji to appear in it. He also spends the entire time just looking at Wei Wuxian.

Episode 29

  • Wei Wuxian is very hurt upon learning that Lan Wangji didn't send him any lanterns during the 13 years he was dead. The reason why Lan Wangji didn't send him any lanterns? He believes that Wei Wuxian will not stay dead and he will wait for him to come back.
  • Lan Wangji then gives him a lantern and starts showering him with gifts, which is implied to be his way of apologising for not sending any offerings all those years. Wei Wuxian immediately cheers up with all the gifts with flowers shaped like a heart surround the two while Jin Ling sulks and leaves them alone.

Episode 30

  • Wei Wuxian gets jealous after seeing Lan Wangji get gifted a lot more loquats than himself. To cheer him up, Lan Wangji mimics the Gusu women by offering him the basket and tells him in the Gusu dialect, "You're so handsome. Have some loquats," to which Wei Wuxian warmly laughs in response.
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi - TV Tropes (2025)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.